猜谜是一种融知识性、益智性、趣味性、娱乐性和宣传性为一体的文化活动,它既是一 种饶有风趣的娱乐游戏,还可启迪猜谜人的心智,增进猜谜人的思维和想象能力,古今中外概莫例外。中国有谜语,外国也有谜语,英文谜语就是其中之一。下面是小编为大家整理的英文谜语,欢迎阅读。
1. what is the longest word in the world?
key:smile. 谜语解析:因为两个S隔了一里(mile)
2. what (来自:www.zaidian.cOm 书 业网)letter is an animal? key --B(Bee)
哪个字母是一个动物 答案:B
3. What letter stands for the ocean? key:C(sea)
4. what letter is a question? key:Y
哪个字母是一个问题? 英语谜语答案:Y(why)
5. what letter is your eye? key:I
哪个字母是你的眼睛? 答案:I(eye)
6. what letter is a vegetable? key:P
哪个字母是一种蔬菜 答案:P(pea)豌豆
7. what stays hot even if put it in a fridge? key:pepper
什么东西即使放到冰箱中也是热的? 答案:pepper(胡椒粉) 谜语解析:hot也有辣的意思
8. what fruit is never found singly? key:pear
什么水果永远都不会是单数? 答案:pear(梨) 谜语解析:pear和pair(一双)读音相同
9. With which hand do you write? key:neither,i use a pen!
你用哪只手写字呢? 谜语答案:都不用,我用笔
10. what man cannot live in a house?
11. What never asks questions but gets a lot of answers?
谜语答案:dictionary (字典)
12. What question can you never answer "Yes" to?
谜语答案:Are you dead?(你死了吗?)Are you asleep?(你睡着了吗)
13. You have it.You read it.There're some pictures in it?
14. A mouse has a large pocket. What is it?
谜语答案:a kangaroo(袋鼠)
15. It has a head ,but no neck.It has a body,but no warmth.NO feet,but can travel?
它有头,但没有脖子,有身体,但不温暖,没有脚,却能旅行。 谜语答案:a car(汽车)
16. What gets larger,the more you take away?
17. What goes on four legs in the morning,on two at noon,and on three in the evening?
谜语答案:People.They crawled when they were babies and walked with two legs before they had to rely on a crutch in old age.
18. What do we get if we cross a woodpecker with a homing pigeon? 把一只啄木鸟和一只识途的鸽子融合在一起,会得到什么?
谜语答案:A bird that knocks on the door when delivering messages. 将得到一只送信时会敲门的鸟。
19. Where does afternoon come before morning in the world?世界上哪个地方下午比早上先到?
谜语答案:In the dictionary.在字典里。
20. What do you know about the kings of France? 你对法国君主有什么了解?
谜语答案:They are all dead. 他们都死了。
21. what must you do before you return a book to the library?
key:borrow the book from library
把书换到图书馆之前你必须做什么? 谜语大全及答案:从图书馆借书
22. how many sides does a circle have? key:Two,the inside and the outside
23. what tree is always very sad? key:weeping willow
什么书树总是很伤心?答案:垂柳.谜语解析:weeping willow的意思是垂柳,weeping是哭,willow是柳树24. what is full when it's used and empty when it's at rest? key:a shoe
25. when can you get water with a net? key:when water is turned into ice 什么时候你可以用用网拿到水呢? 英语脑筋急转弯答案:当水变成冰的时候
26. why are people tired on April Fool's Day? key:Because they have just had a long March.
27. what's the poorest bank in the world? key:the river bank
28. what is heavier in summer than in winter? key:Traffic to the beach 什么东西夏天比冬天重?答案:去海滩的车流 解释:heavy除了重的意思,还有交通量大的,繁忙的意思。
29. what can pierce one's ears without a hole? key:Noise,voice
30. what's too much for two and just right for one? key:A secret
什么东西对两个人来说太多,一个人刚刚好? 答案:秘密,因为两个知道就是不是秘密了。
31. what tree letters turn a girl into a woman? key:age
哪三个字母把一个女孩变成了妇女? 答案:年龄
32. what has two legs but cann't walk? key:compass
什么东西有两条腿却不能走路 答案:圆规
33. what is pronounced like one letter,written with three letters,and belongs to all animals? key:eye
什么东西读起来像是一个字母,写起来是三个字母,并且所有动画都有它呢? 答案:eye(眼睛)
34. what bird lifts heavy things? key:crane
什么鸟可以举起来很重的东西? 答案:crane(鹤,另外一个意思是举重机)
35. what always goes up and never goes down? key:your age
什么东西永远只升不降 答案:你的年龄
36. what will you break once you say it? key:silence
什么东西你说出来就打破了它? 答案:沉默
37. why is the libray the highest building? key:it has the most stories?
为什么图书馆是最高的建筑? 答案:因为它有所有的楼层 (story
[How can you be sure to start a fire with two sticks?]
提示:要点火(start a fire)的话,用一根拨火棍(stick)就足够了,若要用第二根“棍”的话,肯定是火柴棍(match)。
[How can you light a candle with a box of candles and no matches?]
[How can you stop a sleepwalker from walking in his sleep?]
提示:不让人梦游(walk in his sleep)的简单办法是不让他睡着,这不是治病的办法,但是他醒着就确实不会梦游。
1. What will you break once you say it? (什么东西一说出来就打破?)
2. Will liars be honest after they die? (骗子死了之后会诚实吗?)
3. What always goes up and never goes down? (什么东西只升不降?)
4. Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun? (男孩为什么让他的狗坐在阳光下?)
5. Why can a bride hide nothing?(为什么新娘子什么也藏不住?)
6. Why is the library the highest building?(为什么图书馆是最高的建筑物?)
7. What is the smallest bridge in the world? (世界上最小的桥梁是什么?)
8. What is the difference between the North Pole and the South Pole? (北极与南极的区别是什么?)
9. What makes naughty boys long to work in a clock factory? (淘气的男孩为什么想去钟表厂工作?)
10. What bird lifts heavy things? (什么鸟能举起重物?)
11. A ship can contain only fifty persons. Now there is alreadyforty-nine person in it. At this time,a pregnant woman comes on andboards the ship. The shipsinks. Why? (有一艘船只能容纳50人,现在已有49人。这时一位孕妇上了船,船就沉了。为什么?)
12. What's the poorest bank in the world? (世界的最贫穷的银行是什么?)
13. What month do soldiers hate?(军人憎恨什么月?)
1. Silence. (沉默)
2. No, they won’t. They lie still after they die。(不会,他们依旧撒谎。Lie still 躺着不动,依旧撒谎。)
3. Your age. (你的年龄)
4. He wants to have a hot dog. (他想要一条热狗。)
5. Because someone will give her away. (因为有人会揭发她。Give away 揭发,在婚礼上把新娘交给新郎)
6. It has the most stories. (它的楼层最多。Story 故事,楼层)
7. The bridge of a nose. (鼻梁)
8. A whole world. (整个世界。 a world of difference 天壤之别)
9. They want to make faces. (make face 做鬼脸,做钟表面)
10. Crane. (鹤。Crane鹤,举重机)
11. Because is a pigboat. (那是潜水艇。pigboat,潜水艇)
12.The river bank。(河岸。)
What person does every man take his hat off to?
【谜底:A barber】
What is higher without a head than with a head?
【谜底:A pillow】
I fly, but I have no wings.I cry, but I have no eyes.
What can you swallow that can also swallow you?
What goes around the world but stays in a corner?
What starts with a T, ends with a T, and is full of T?
The greater it is, the less it can be seen. What is it?
What do you call your father's father's only son?
What two words have thousands of letters in them?
【谜底:Post office】
What large instrument do you carry in your ears?
【谜底:Drums, that is eardrums.】
On which side does a bird have the most feathers?
【谜底:The outside.】
What is wind?
【谜底:Air in a hurry】
What's a skeleton?
【谜底:It's a lot of bones without the person on them!】
Which letter is a drink?
What table is in the field?
Which letter is an animal?
What is an astronomer?
【谜底:A nigh watchman with a college education.】
Which letter is a question?
What always travels on foot?
【谜底:A shoe】
What has teeth but cannot eat?
【谜底:A comb】
What kind of dog never bite?
【谜底:A hot dog】
Where can milk be best stored?
【谜底:In a cow】
Which letter is around an island?
What is dark but made by light?
【谜底:A shadow】
Which letter is a part of your face?
What wears a cap but has no head?
【谜底:A bottle】
How many letters are in the alphabet?
What is never used until it's broken?
【谜底:An egg】
Which letter is a kind of vegetable?
What is the biggest ant in the world?
【谜底:an elephant】
What is in the middle of the world?
【谜底:the letter “r”】
1、What key can run itself? 什么钥匙自己会跑? ——Monkey. (猴)
2、What is the most difficult key to turn? 什么钥匙最难拧? ——Donkey. (驴)
3、My name start with a C and end with an L. I live in the desert, a hard place to live. I can carry people and their goods . What am I? ——Camel. (骆驼)
4、What animal wears big black glasses on its face? 什么动物脸上戴个大墨镜? (Panda 熊猫)
5、I'm almost white, but the fur of my ears, eye pits are black. I live in the wild forests,I like eating bamboos! Who am I ? 我几乎是白的,但耳朵、眼窝是黑的。我生活在森林里,喜欢吃竹子。我是谁? (Panda 熊猫)
6.a cat, eyes like a cat, a tail like a cat ,but isn't a cat? (Tiger 老虎)
7、I live in the woods. I'm very big and furry. I have a big nose, a little tail and four legs. I like to eat fish and berries.Who am I ? (bear 熊)
8、I'm a soft and furry pet. I have four legs and a long tail. I have sharp teeth and claws. I like to chase mice. I am a... (cat 猫)
9、I have wings but I'm not a bird I am small and colorful. I live in gardens and fields and forests. I used to be a caterpillar(毛虫).I am a... (butterfliy 蝴蝶)
10、I live in a house called a coop. I have two legs, two wings and a tail. I eat worms and bugs and grain. I lay eggs. I am a... (chicken 鸡)
11、I live in lakes and rivers. I eat fish and birds. I have four legs and a long tail. I have lots of pretty teeth. I am a... (crocodile 鳄鱼 )
12、I have four legs. I'm very smart and I like to play. I like to smell things. I can wag(摇摆 )my tail. I am a... (dog 狗 )
13、I'm very, very big. I like to eat peanuts and hay. n.干草 I have four legs and two big ears. My long nose is called a trunk. I am an...(elephant 大象)
14、I live in the ocean. I swim on my side. I love to hide in the sand. My eyes are both on the same side of my head. I am a... (flounder 比目鱼)
15、My skin is green and slippery. I have four legs and webbed feet. I eat bugs and little fish. I can swim under water and hop on land. I am a... (frog 青蛙 )
16、I live in a bowl. I can swim. I have a tail. I also have fins and big eyes. I am a... (goldfish 金鱼)
17、I have four legs and a long tail. I eat oats and hay. I love to run fast. I let people ride on my back. I am a...(horse 马)
18、I live in the ocean. I have eight legs, two big claws and a tail. My body has a hard shell. I eat anything I can find. I am a... (lobster 龙虾)
19、I live in the ocean. I like to eat crabs. I can change colors. My eight legs are called tentacles. ,I am an... (octopus) (octopus 章鱼)
20、I have a tail. I can fly. I'm covered in colorful feathers. I can whistle and I can talk. I am a... (parrot 鹦鹉)
21、I have a little tail. My nose is called a snout. I live on a farm. I can say, "Oink-oink" oinkI am a...(pig) 16、I have four legs and a flat tail. My face looks like a duck's face. I live in the water. I am brown and furry. I am a... (platypus 鸭嘴兽)
22、I am small and shy. I have eight legs. I eat bugs. I catch them in my web. I am a... (spider 蜘蛛)
23、I live in the ocean. I move slowly. I eat clams. I have five arms. I am a...(starfish 海星)
24、I have four legs and a tail. I have no teeth. I can swim and pe underwater. I carry my house around with me. I am a... (turtle 乌龟)
25、I live in the ocean. I swim wherever I want. I sing to my family. I can breathe through a hole in the top of my head. I am a... (whale 鲸鱼)
26、What animal wears big black glasses on its face? 什么动物脸上戴个大墨镜? (Panda 熊猫)
27、a cat,eyes like a cat,a tail like a cat ,but isn’t a cat? 眼睛尾巴像只猫,但又不是猫? (Tiger 老虎)
28、I look like a horse ,but my body is covered by black and white stripes. ( zebra 斑马)
29、I can run very quickly. I have antlers on my head. (deer 鹿)
30、I look like a dog. But people and animals are all afraid of me, because I like eating them. (wlof 狼)
31、I am not a fish but look like a large fish and live in the sea.I am a warm-blood mammal. (dolphin 海豚)
32、I am an animal kept by farmers to produce milk. (cow 奶牛)
33、I am known for my cleverness and cunning.(fox 狐狸)
34、I have a very long neck and legs.I can eat the leaves on top of the tree. (giraffe 长颈鹿)
35、It’ lives in (forest) It likes eat (insect) It’s (small) It has (short) legs It can flyIt’s (white) It’s very (cute)
它生活在森林里,它喜欢吃虫子,它很小,它长着短小的腿,它会飞,它是白色的,它很可爱。 (bird 小鸟)
1.What animal wears big black glasses on its face? 什么动物脸上戴个大墨镜? (Panda 熊猫)
2.a cat,eyes like a cat,a tail like a cat ,but isn't a cat? 眼睛尾巴像只猫,但又不是猫? (Tiger 老虎)
3.I look like a horse ,but my body is covered by black and white stripes. (斑马/zebra)
4.I can run very quickly. I have antlers(鹿角)on my head. (鹿/deer)
5.I look like a dog. But people and animals are all afraid of me, because I like eating them. (狼/wlof)
6.I am not a fish but look like a large fish and live in the sea.I am a warm-blood mammal.(热血哺乳运动) (海豚/dolphin)
7.I am an animal kept by farmers to produce milk. (奶牛/cow)
8.I am known for my cleverness and cunning.(狡猾) (狐狸/fox)
9.I have a very long neck and legs.I can eat the leaves on top of the tree. (长颈鹿/giraffe)
10.It' lives in (forest) It likes eat (insect) It's (small) It has (short) legs It can flyIt's (white) It's very (cute) (小鸟)
1. what letter is an animal?
2. What letter stands for the ocean?
3. what letter is a question?
4. what letter is your eye?
5. what letter is a vegetable?
6. what stays hot even if put it in a fridge?
7. what fruit is never found singly?
8. With which hand do you write?
谜语解析: Neither. I use a pen! 都不用,我用笔!
9. what man cannot live in a house?
10. What never asks questions but has a lot of answers?
[答案]dictionary (字典)
11. What question can you never answer “Yes” to?
[答案]Are you dead?(你死了吗?)
谜语解析:或者Are you asleep?(你睡着了吗?)
12. You have it.You read it.There're some pictures in it. What is it?
13. A mouse has a large pocket. What is it?
14. It has a head ,but no neck.It has a body,but no warmth.NO feet,but can travel. What is it?
15. what will you break once you say it?
[答案]It has the most stories.
17. What do every couple have in common?
[答案]They're married on the same day.(他们都在同一天结婚。)
18. What word is pronounced wrong,even by the best of scholars?
19. What animal is taller sitting down than standing up?
20. What is black when it's clean and white when it’s dirty?
21. What 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?
22. What can you catch but cannot throw?
谜语解析:英文中感冒为catch a cold
23. What is deaf and dumb but always tells the truth?
24. What has a tongue but cannot talk?
25. What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself?
[答案]your name(你的名字)
26. What gets larger,the more you take away?
27. Where does afternoon come before morning in the world?
[答案]in the dictionary(在字典里)
28. What do you know about the kings of France? 你对法国君主有什么了解?
[答案]They are all dead. (他们都死了。)
29. what tree is always very sad?
[答案]weeping willow(垂柳)
谜语解析:weeping willow的意思是垂柳,weeping是哭,willow是柳树。
30. what is full when it's used and empty when it's at rest?
31. When can you get water with a net?
[答案]When water is turned into ice.(当水变成冰的时候。)
32. What's the poorest bank in the world?
33. What can pierce one's ears without a hole?
34. What's too much for two and just right for one?
35. What tree letters turn a girl into a woman?
36. What has two legs but cann't walk?
37. What is pronounced like one letter,written with three letters,and belongs to most of animals?
38. What bird lifts heavy things?
39. What always goes up and never goes down?
[答案] age(年龄)
1.What month do soldiers hate?
--March (三月,行军)
2.How many feet are there in a yard?
--It depends on how many people stand in the yard. (码,院子)
3.Why is an empty purse always the same?
--There is no change in it. (零钱,变化)
4.What book has the most stirring chapters?
--A cook book. (动人的,搅拌的)
5.What kind of dog doesn't bite or bark?
--Hot dog. (热狗)
6.What is the smallest room in the world?
--Mushroom. (蘑菇)
7.What kind of water should people drink in order to be healthy? --Drink well water. (井水,健康的)
8.How do we know the ocean is friendly?
--It waves. (起波浪,招手致意)
9.Which can move faster, heat or cold?
--Heat, because you can catch cold. (追上冷,患感冒)
10.Why is the library the highest building?
--It has the most stories. (故事,(楼)层)