
Little Women Classic Quotes - Part One

Little Women is a beloved novel written by Louisa May Alcott in the 19th century. It tells the story of the four March sisters – Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy – as they navigate through various challenges and experiences in their lives. The novel is filled with timeless wisdom and memorable quotes that continue to resonate with readers around the world. In this article, we will explore some of the classic quotes from Little Women and their meanings.

1. "I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship." – Jo March

This quote, spoken by the independent and determined Jo March, encapsulates her fearless nature. Jo is not afraid of the challenges that life throws at her because she believes in her own abilities to overcome them. It serves as a reminder to embrace difficulties and view them as opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

2. "I'd rather take coffee than compliments just now." – Amy March

Amy March, the youngest sister, says this line when she is offered praise for her artwork. It highlights her desire for practicality and her focus on the present moment. Amy recognizes that compliments alone will not fulfill her, and she values the simple pleasures in life, like a cup of coffee, more than external validation.

3. "Love is a great beautifier." – Marmee March

Marmee, the March sisters' mother, utters this quote while discussing the power of love. She believes that love has the ability to transform people and make them more beautiful, both inside and out. It emphasizes the importance of cultivating love and compassion in our lives, as it can bring out the best in us.

4. "I don't like being told that I'm silly when I'm not." – Meg March

Meg March, the eldest sister, expresses this sentiment when she is dismissed as being childish. This quote highlights Meg's desire to be taken seriously and her frustration with being underestimated. It serves as a reminder that everyone's feelings and opinions should be respected, regardless of their age or perceived maturity.

5. "I could never love anyone as I love my sisters." – Jo March

This heartfelt quote from Jo showcases the deep bond between the March sisters. Despite their differences and occasional conflicts, their love for one another remains unwavering. It emphasizes the importance of family and the unique connection that siblings share.

These are just a few examples of the many memorable quotes from Little Women. Each quote encapsulates a different aspect of the novel's themes, such as independence, love, and sisterhood. They continue to inspire and resonate with readers of all ages, reminding us of the timeless wisdom and enduring values found within the pages of this beloved classic.

Little Women Classic Quotes - Part Two

In the second part of our exploration of Little Women's classic quotes, we will delve into more memorable lines from the novel and their significance.

1. "I am not ambitious for a splendid fortune or fashionable position." – Jo March

This quote reflects Jo's rejection of societal expectations and her determination to pursue her own dreams and passions. Jo values personal fulfillment and creativity over material wealth or social status. It encourages readers to prioritize their own happiness and follow their true aspirations.

2. "I think she is growing up, and so begins to dream dreams, and have hopes and fears and fidgets, without knowing why or being able to explain them." – Meg March

Meg's observation about her younger sister, Amy, captures the universal experience of growing up. It highlights the transition from childhood to adulthood, where dreams, hopes, fears, and restlessness become a part of one's life. This quote resonates with readers who can relate to the tumultuous journey of self-discovery during adolescence.

3. "I'd rather do anything than be a nurse; there's no scope for imagination in it." – Amy March

Amy's disdain for the role of a nurse reflects her desire for a more imaginative and creative life. She longs for opportunities that allow her to express herself and explore her artistic talents. This quote reminds us of the importance of pursuing careers and passions that align with our individual strengths and interests.

4. "You have so many extraordinary gifts; how can you expect to lead an ordinary life?" – Laurie Laurence

Laurie's words to Jo affirm her unique qualities and talents. He recognizes her potential for greatness and encourages her to embrace her extraordinary nature. This quote serves as a reminder to acknowledge and embrace our own strengths and abilities, and to strive for a life that reflects our true potential.

5. "I could never be angry with you long, Jo. You always seem to understand and forgive me." – Amy March

Amy's statement about her sister Jo highlights the unconditional love and forgiveness that exists within their relationship. It emphasizes the importance of empathy, understanding, and forgiveness in maintaining strong bonds with loved ones. This quote reminds us of the power of forgiveness and the strength of sisterly love.

These classic quotes from Little Women continue to captivate readers with their timeless wisdom and relatability. They provide insights into the characters' personalities, values, and experiences, while also offering valuable life lessons and reminders about the importance of love, individuality, and family. Little Women's enduring popularity can be attributed, in part, to these memorable quotes that resonate with readers of all generations.

小妇人经典语录英文 篇三


哈里波特原书(语音+pdf) 窈窕淑女剧本/My Fair Lady 毕业生剧本The Graduate 第五元素剧本The 5th Element 8毫米剧本8 mm 英国病人剧本English Patient 人鬼情末了剧本Ghost 侏罗纪公剧本Jurassic Park 壮志凌云剧本Top Gun 电子情书剧本You"ve Got Mail Friends(老友记)剧本(1-9季)


"I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying." -- by Michael Jordan (我可以接受失败 但我不能接受放弃——迈克儿·乔丹)

谁能给一些小说 小妇人 中的名言警句,要英文原句和中文,好的追加悬赏,!!!!!!!!!!是小说

The eye because of flows the multi- tears but Pure Brightness, the heart because of had experienced much suffering but is good-natured.


Perhaps, they are only little women, and they only want to court their happiness;


Do you mean that even you guys are lost, you still don't need we tiny little women's directons


名著<小妇人>中的好句30句 英文的 在仿写10句

Margaret, the eldest of the four, was sixteen, and very pretty,

being plump and fair, with large eyes, plenty of soft brown hair, a

sweet mouth, and white hands, of which she was rather vain.

While making these maternal inquiries Mrs. March got her wet things off, her warm slippers on, and sitting down in the easy

chair, drew Amy to her lap, preparing to enjoy the happiest hour

of her busy day.

It was excellent drill for their memories, a harmless amusement, and

employed many hours which otherwise would have been idle, lonely,

or spent in less profitable society.

There was a simultaneous sigh, which created quite a little gust,

as the last hope fled, and the treat was ravished from their longing


Mother is always ready to be your confidante, Father to be your friend, and both of hope and trust that our daughters, whether married or single, will be the pride and comfort of out lives.

The days kept getting longer and longer, the weather was unusually variable and so were tempers, and unsettled feeling possessed everyone, and Satan found plenty of mischief for the idle hands to do.

This obliging offer was gladly accepted, and Margaret retired

to the parlor, which she hastily put in order by whisking the

litter under the sofa and shutting the blinds to save the trouble

of dusting.

If anyone had been watching her, he would have thought her

movements decidedly peculiar, for on alighting, she went off at a

great pace till she reached a certain number in a certain busy


He missed her,however, and she came walking in with a very queer expression of countenance, for there was a mixture of fun and fear, satisfaction and regret in it, which puzzled the family as much as did the roll of bills she laid before her mother, saying with a little choke in her voice.

All the little duties were faithfully done each day, and

many of her sisters' also, for they were forgetful, and the house

seemed like a clock whose pendulum was gone a-visiting.

What they were to give, neither heard, for both crept into

the dark hall, and, sitting on the stairs, held each other close,

rejoicing with hearts too full for words.

Then she slept again, and the girls waited upon

their mother, for she would not unclasp the thin hand which

clung to hers even in sleep.

Jo dropped a kiss on the top of Mr. Laurence's bald head, and ran up to slip the apology under Laurie's door, advising him through the keyhole to be submissive, decorous, and a few other agreeable impossibilities.

Meg rose as she spoke, and was just going to rehearse the

dignified exit, when a step in the hall made her fly into her

seat and begin to sew as fast as if her life depended on finishing that particular seam in a given time.

The June roses over the porch were awake bright and early on

that morning, rejoicing with all their hearts in the cloudless

sunshine, like friendly little neighbors, as they were.

Meg looked very like a rose herself, for all that was best and

sweetest in heart and soul seemed to bloom into her face that day,

making it fair and tender, with a charm more beautiful than beauty.

As the younger girls stand together, giving the last touches

to their simple toilet, it may be a good time to tell of a few

changes which three years have wrought in their appearance, for

all are looking their best just now.

Never forgetting that by birth she was a gentlewoman,

she cultivated her aristocratic tastes and feelings, so that when

the opportunity came she might be ready to take the place from

which poverty now excluded her.

The minute it was made Jo saw her mistake, but fearing to make the matter worse, suddenly remembered that it was for her to make the first move toward departure, and did so with an abruptness that left three people with half-finished sentences in their mouths.

Remembering the painted boots, she surveyed her white satin slippers with girlish satisfaction, and chassed down the room, admiring her aristocratic feet all by herself.

For Amy's face was full of the soft brightness which betokens

a peaceful heart, he

r voice had a new tenderness in it, and the cool,

prim carriage was changed to a gentle dignity, both womanly and winning.

Gentlemen are sometimes seized with sudden fits of admiration

for the young relatives of ladies whom they honor with their regard,

but this counterfeit philoprogenitiveness sits uneasily upon them,

and does not deceive anybody a particle.

The knight in whom I'm interest went back to find the pretty face, and learned that the princesses had spun themselves free and all gone and married, but one.

If he asked her to deliver a Latin oration, it would not

have seemed a more impossible task to bashful Beth, but there

was no place to run to, no Jo to hide behind now, and the poor

boy looked so wistfully at her that she bravely resolved to try.

Laurie spoke excitedly, and looked ready to carry his threat

into execution on the slightest provocation, for he was growing up

very fast and, in spite of his indolent ways, had a young man's

hatred of subjection, a young man's restless longing to try the

world for himself.

Bent on showing that he was not offended, he made himself as

agreeable as possible, wound cotton for Meg, recited poetry to

please Jo, shook down cones for Beth, and helped Amy with her

ferns, proving himself a fit person to belong to the `Busy Bee


What a strange yet pleasant day that was. So brilliant and

gay without, for all the world seemed abroad to welcome the first


She was rather surprised, therefore, when the silence remained unbroken, and Jo assumed a patronizing air, which decidedly aggravated Meg, who in turn assumed an air of dignified reserve and devoted herself to her mother.

Amy rose daily in the estimation of her friend, but he sank in hers,

and each felt the truth before a word was spoken.

Jo rather prided herself upon her shopping capabilities, and particularly wished to impress her escort with the neatness and dispatch with which she would accomplish the business.



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