莎士比亚经典语录英语 篇一
Shakespearean Quotes in English
Shakespeare, often hailed as the greatest playwright in history, has left us with a treasure trove of memorable quotes that continue to resonate with readers and audiences alike. His ability to capture the complexity of human emotions and the intricacies of the human condition is unparalleled. In this article, we will explore some of Shakespeare's most famous quotes and their significance in the world of literature.
1. "To be, or not to be: that is the question." - Hamlet
This iconic quote from Hamlet's soliloquy encapsulates the existential crisis faced by the Prince of Denmark. It delves into the themes of life, death, and the uncertainty of existence. Hamlet contemplates whether it is better to endure the hardships of life or to escape the pain through death. This quote has become synonymous with introspection and the contemplation of life's purpose.
2. "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players." - As You Like It
This quote from As You Like It emphasizes the idea that life is akin to a theatrical performance, where individuals play different roles and wear masks to hide their true selves. It highlights the transient nature of human existence and the constant shifting of identities and appearances.
3. "If music be the food of love, play on." - Twelfth Night
This quote from Twelfth Night showcases the power of music to evoke and intensify emotions. It suggests that music has the ability to nourish the soul and ignite feelings of love. Shakespeare often used music as a means to convey the depth of characters' emotions in his plays.
4. "The course of true love never did run smooth." - A Midsummer Night's Dream
Taken from A Midsummer Night's Dream, this quote reminds us that love is often fraught with obstacles and challenges. It emphasizes the complexities and difficulties that arise in romantic relationships, highlighting the universal struggle to find and maintain true love.
5. "Parting is such sweet sorrow." - Romeo and Juliet
This famous quote from Romeo and Juliet encapsulates the bittersweet nature of saying goodbye. It emphasizes the pain of separation, while acknowledging the sweetness that comes from experiencing deep love and connection. It beautifully captures the conflicting emotions of joy and sorrow that often accompany farewells.
Shakespeare's quotes continue to be relevant and widely quoted today because they touch upon universal human experiences and emotions. They provide us with profound insights and provoke contemplation on the human condition. Shakespeare's ability to beautifully articulate these timeless truths is what makes his work enduring and beloved by readers and audiences around the world.
莎士比亚经典语录英语 篇二
Shakespearean Quotes in English
Shakespeare, the renowned playwright of the Elizabethan era, has left an indelible mark on literature with his powerful and thought-provoking quotes. In this article, we will explore some of Shakespeare's most famous quotes and their significance in the world of English literature.
1. "All that glitters is not gold." - The Merchant of Venice
This quote from The Merchant of Venice reminds us that things are not always what they seem. It cautions against placing too much value on appearances and encourages us to look beyond the surface to discover true worth and substance.
2. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." - Hamlet
Taken from Hamlet, this quote has become a popular phrase used to express skepticism towards someone who is overly defensive. It suggests that someone who vehemently denies something may actually be hiding the truth or trying to convince themselves of their own innocence.
3. "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind." - A Midsummer Night's Dream
This quote from A Midsummer Night's Dream challenges the conventional notion of love being solely based on physical appearance. It suggests that love is a product of the mind, emphasizing the importance of emotional and intellectual connections in romantic relationships.
4. "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." - Twelfth Night
This quote from Twelfth Night explores the idea that greatness is not solely determined by one's birth or circumstances, but can also be achieved through hard work and determination. It highlights the potential for individuals to rise above their circumstances and achieve greatness through their own efforts.
5. "To thine own self be true." - Hamlet
This famous quote from Hamlet encourages individuals to be authentic and true to themselves. It emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, integrity, and staying true to one's values and beliefs, even in the face of adversity.
Shakespeare's quotes continue to resonate with readers and audiences today because they offer timeless wisdom and insights into the human condition. His ability to capture complex emotions and explore universal themes has made his work enduring and beloved. Whether it's contemplating the meaning of life, the nature of love, or the complexities of human behavior, Shakespeare's quotes continue to inspire and provoke thought in readers around the world.
莎士比亚经典语录英语 篇三
to be ,or not to be, this is a question
平的两端,被命运掌握的人仅仅只明白上帝赐给他命运 —— 莎士比亚
人生本过是一个行走的影子,一个在舞台上指手划脚的拙劣的伶人,登场片刻,就在无声无息中悄然退下,它是一个愚人所讲的故事,充满了喧哗和骚动,找不到一点意义—— 莎士比亚
时间会刺破青春表面的彩饰,会在美人的额上掘深沟浅槽;会吃掉稀世之珍!天生丽质,什么都逃不过他那横扫的镰刀。 —— 莎士比亚
多听,少说,接受每一个人的责难,但是保留你的最后裁决。 —— 莎士比亚
不良的习惯会随时阻碍你走向成名、获利和享乐的路上去。 —— 莎士比亚
青春是一个短暂的美梦,当你醒来时,它早已消失无踪。 ----莎士比亚
母羊要是听不见她自己小羊的啼声,她决不会回答一头小牛的叫喊。 ---莎士比亚
丑恶的海怪也比不上忘恩的儿女那样可怕。 ---莎士比亚
道德和才艺是远胜于富贵的资产,堕落的子孙可以把贵显的门第败坏,把巨富的财产荡毁,可是道德和才艺,却可以使一个凡人成为不配的神明。 ---莎士比亚
习气那个怪物,虽然是魔鬼,会吞掉一切的羞耻心,也会做天使,把日积月累的美德善行熏陶成自然而然而令人安之若素的家常便饭。 ---莎士比亚
他们的庄严高贵。 ---莎士比亚
人世间的煊赫光荣,往往产生在罪恶之中,为了身外的浮名,牺牲自己的良心。 ---莎士比亚
质朴却比巧妙的言辞更能打动我的心。 -----莎士比亚
多听,少说,接受每一个人的责难,但是保留你的最后裁决。 ----莎士比亚
当我们胆敢作恶,来满足卑下的希冀,我们就迷失了本性,不再是我们自己。 ----莎士比亚
爱情不是花荫下的甜言,不是桃花源中的蜜语,不是轻绵的眼泪,更不是死硬的强迫,爱情是建立在共同语言的基础上的。 ----莎士比亚
忠诚的爱情充溢在我的心里,我无法估计自己享有的财富。 ---莎士比亚
人的一生是短的,但如果卑劣地过这短的一生,就太长了。 ----莎士比亚
黑夜无论怎样悠长,白昼总会到来。 ---莎士比亚
对众人一视同仁,对少数人推心置腹,对任何人不要亏负。 ------莎士比亚
书籍是全世界的营养品。 ----莎士比亚
爱和炭相同。烧起来,得没法叫它冷却。 ----莎士比亚
苦尽甘来。 ---莎士比亚
真正的爱情是不能用言语表达的,行为才是忠心的最好说明 ---莎士比亚
不太热烈的爱情才会维持久远 ----莎士比亚
爱情里面要是搀杂了和它本身无关的算计,那就不是真的爱情 ---莎士比亚
爱情不过是一种疯 ----莎士比亚
当我们还买不起幸福的时候,我们绝不应该走得离橱窗太近,盯着幸福出神。 ---莎士比亚
不要给百合花镀金,画蛇添足。 ---莎士比亚
美德是勇敢的,为善永远无所畏惧。 ---莎士比亚
女人是用耳朵恋爱的,而男人如果会产生爱情的话,却是用眼睛来恋爱。 ---莎士比亚
因为她生得美丽,所以被男人追求;因为她是女人,所以被男人俘获。 --莎士比亚
聪明人变成了痴愚,是一条最容易上钩的游鱼;因为他凭恃才高学广,看不见自己的狂妄。愚人的蠢事算不得稀奇,聪明人的蠢事才叫人笑痛肚皮;因为他用全副的本领,证明他自己愚笨。 ---莎士比亚
我没有路,所以不需要眼睛;当我能够看见的时候,我也会失足颠仆,我们往往因为有所自恃而失之于大意,反不如缺陷却能对我们有益。 ---莎士比亚
懦夫在未死以前,就已经死了好多次;勇士一生只死一次,在一切怪事中,人们的贪生怕死就是一件最奇怪的事情。 ---莎士比亚
黑暗无论怎样悠长,白昼总会到来。 世界上还没有一个方法,可以从一个人的脸上探察他的居心。
要是你做了骗子,你的愚蠢将使你受苦,而且你也不免做豺狼的一顿早餐…… ---莎士比亚
魔鬼为了陷害我们起见,往往故意向我们说真话,在小事情上取得我们的信任,然后我们在重要的关头便会堕入他的圈套。 ---莎士比亚
没有什么事是好的或坏的,但思想却使其中有所不同。 ---莎士比亚
如果做好心理准备,一切准备都已经完成。 ---莎士比亚
你还能说‘苦啊,最苦没有了’你的苦,还不曾苦到底呢。 ---莎士比亚
天啊,男人不变心,他就是十全十美了。 ---莎士比亚
退路是没有了,前途是一片沼泽地,让人越陷越深。 ---莎士比亚
有很多良友,胜于有很多财富。 ---莎士比亚
有一类卑微的工作是用坚苦卓绝的精神忍受着的,最低陋的事情往往指向最崇高的目标 ---莎士比亚
how sharper than a serpent‘s tooth is to have a thankless child. (william shakespeare, british dramatist)
逆子无情甚于蛇蝎。 ---莎士比亚
简洁是智慧的灵魂,冗长是肤浅的藻饰 ---莎士比亚
善良的心地,就是黄金 ----莎士比亚
时间会刺破青春表面的彩饰,会在美人的额上掘深沟浅槽;会吃掉稀世之珍!天生丽质,什么都逃不过他那横扫的镰刀。 —— 莎士比亚
多听,少说,接受每一个人的责难,但是保留你的最后裁决。 —— 莎士比亚
不良的习惯会随时阻碍你走向成名、获利和享乐的路上去。 —— 莎士比亚
青春是一个短暂的美梦,当你醒来时,它早已消失无踪。 ----莎士比亚
母羊要是听不见她自己小羊的啼声,她决不会回答一头小牛的叫喊。 ---莎士比亚
丑恶的海怪也比不上忘恩的儿女那样可怕。 ---莎士比亚
道德和才艺是远胜于富贵的资产,堕落的子孙可以把贵显的门第败坏,把巨富的财产荡毁,可是道德和才艺,却可以使一个凡人成为不配的神明。 ---莎士比亚
习气那个怪物,虽然是魔鬼,会吞掉一切的羞耻心,也会做天使,把日积月累的美德善行熏陶成自然而然而令人安之若素的家常便饭。 ---莎士比亚
他们的庄严高贵。 ---莎士比亚
人世间的煊赫光荣,往往产生在罪恶之中,为了身外的浮名,牺牲自己的良心。 ---莎士比亚
质朴却比巧妙的言辞更能打动我的心。 -----莎士比亚
多听,少说,接受每一个人的责难,但是保留你的最后裁决。 ----莎士比亚
当我们胆敢作恶,来满足卑下的希冀,我们就迷失了本性,不再是我们自己。 ----莎士比亚
爱情不是花荫下的甜言,不是桃花源中的蜜语,不是轻绵的眼泪,更不是死硬的强迫,爱情是建立在共同语言的基础上的。 ----莎士比亚
忠诚的爱情充溢在我的心里,我无法估计自己享有的财富。 ---莎士比亚
人的一生是短的,但如果卑劣地过这短的一生,就太长了。 ----莎士比亚
黑夜无论怎样悠长,白昼总会到来。 ---莎士比亚
对众人一视同仁,对少数人推心置腹,对任何人不要亏负。 ------莎士比亚
书籍是全世界的营养品。 ----莎士比亚
爱和炭相同。烧起来,得没法叫它冷却。 ----莎士比亚
苦尽甘来。 ---莎士比亚
真正的爱情是不能用言语表达的,行为才是忠心的最好说明 ---莎士比亚
不太热烈的爱情才会维持久远 ----莎士比亚
爱情里面要是搀杂了和它本身无关的算计,那就不是真的爱情 ---莎士比亚
爱情不过是一种疯 ----莎士比亚
当我们还买不起幸福的时候,我们绝不应该走得离橱窗太近,盯着幸福出神。 ---莎士比亚
不要给百合花镀金,画蛇添足。 ---莎士比亚
美德是勇敢的,为善永远无所畏惧。 ---莎士比亚
女人是用耳朵恋爱的,而男人如果会产生爱情的话,却是用眼睛来恋爱。 ---莎士比亚
因为她生得美丽,所以被男人追求;因为她是女人,所以被男人俘获。 --莎士比亚
聪明人变成了痴愚,是一条最容易上钩的游鱼;因为他凭恃才高学广,看不见自己的狂妄。愚人的蠢事算不得稀奇,聪明人的蠢事才叫人笑痛肚皮;因为他用全副的本领,证明他自己愚笨。 ---莎士比亚
我没有路,所以不需要眼睛;当我能够看见的时候,我也会失足颠仆,我们往往因为有所自恃而失之于大意,反不如缺陷却能对我们有益。 ---莎士比亚
懦夫在未死以前,就已经死了好多次;勇士一生只死一次,在一切怪事中,人们的贪生怕死就是一件最奇怪的事情。 ---莎士比亚
黑暗无论怎样悠长,白昼总会到来。 世界上还没有一个方法,可以从一个人的脸上探察他的居心。
要是你做了骗子,你的愚蠢将使你受苦,而且你也不免做豺狼的一顿早餐…… ---莎士比亚
魔鬼为了陷害我们起见,往往故意向我们说真话,在小事情上取得我们的信任,然后我们在重要的关头便会堕入他的圈套。 ---莎士比亚
没有什么事是好的或坏的,但思想却使其中有所不同。 ---莎士比亚
如果做好心理准备,一切准备都已经完成。 ---莎士比亚
你还能说‘苦啊,最苦没有了’你的苦,还不曾苦到底呢。 ---莎士比亚
天啊,男人不变心,他就是十全十美了。 ---莎士比亚
o 抛弃时间的人,时间也抛弃他 抛弃时间的人,时间也抛弃他。
Discard time, the time he has abandoned Discard time, and time is up to him.
o 时间的无声的脚步,是不会因为我们有许多事情需要处理而稍停片刻的。
Time silent footsteps, not because we have many things to be addressed and Pause briefly.
o 生命的时间是短促的;但是即使生命随着时钟的指针飞驰,到了一小时就要宣告结束,要卑贱地消磨这段短时间却也嫌太长。
Time is short life; But even if the target clock speed along with life, to one hour We end to this period of time was also engaged to spend too long.
o 一颗好心抵得过黄金。
Won gold in a kind.
o 时光,凭你多狠,我的爱在我诗里将万古长青。
Time, with you more ruthless, I love my poetry Lane will last forever.
o 人的一生是短的,但如卑劣的过这短的一生,就太长了。
Human life is short, but if this despicable too short life, it too long.
o 时间的威力在于:结束帝王们的争战;把真理带到阳光下,把虚假的谎言揭穿。
The power lies in time : the end of the imperial who wanted; The truth to sunlight, the false lie.
o 一个浪子所走的路是跟太阳一般的,可是他并不象太阳一样周而复始。
A prodigal son go with the sun is the general, but he was not the same as the solar cycle.
o 世事的起伏本来是波浪式的,人们要是能够趁着高潮一往直前,一定可功成名就。
Things would have been waves of ups and downs, and if people can build climax to proceed will be Traveling.
o 腐蚀的臭锈,能把深藏的宝物消耗干净,黄金如善于利用,却能把更多的黄金生。
Corrode the grass rust, can deep clean the treasures exertion, If good at using gold, but will bring moregold hygiene.他的一句名言To be or not to be ,that's a question.是最出名的,说的他的名言,第一反应就是这一局。至于翻译,相信楼主是知道的,在此就不多说了TO BE OR NOT TO BE,THAT'S A QUAETION丑恶的海怪也比不上忘恩的儿女那样可怕。 ---莎士比亚 聪明人变成了痴愚,是一条最容易上钩的游鱼;因为他凭恃才高学广,看不见自己的狂妄。愚人的蠢事算不得稀奇,聪明人的蠢事才叫人笑痛肚皮;因为他用全副的本领,证明他自己愚笨。 ---莎士比亚 不要给百合花镀金,画蛇添足。 ---莎士比亚 道德和才艺是远胜于富贵的资产,堕落的子孙可以把贵显的门第败坏,把巨富的财产荡毁,可是道德和才艺,却可以使一个凡人成为不配的神明。 ---莎士比亚 习气那个怪物,虽然是魔鬼,会吞掉一切的羞耻心,也会做天使,把日积月累的美德善行熏陶成自然而然而令人安之若素的家常便饭。 ---莎士比亚 夫在未死以前,就已经死了好多次;勇士一生只死一次,在一切怪事中,人们的贪生怕死就是一件最奇怪的事情。 ---莎士比亚 人世间的煊赫光荣,往往产生在罪恶之中,为了身外的浮名,牺牲自己的良心。 ---莎士比亚 质朴却比巧妙的言辞更能打动我的心。 -----莎士比亚 多听,少说,接受每一个人的责难,但是保留你的最后裁决。 ----莎士比亚