风趣幽默的句子50个字 篇一
1. 老板说我长得像他,我说:“不要再骗人了,你自己都不好意思了!”
2. 我对朋友说:“我喜欢晚上出去散步,因为这样可以不用见到自己的债主。”
3. 我心情不好时,朋友问我怎么了,我说:“我最近心情不好,因为我被科学家证明是一个懒惰的基因。”
4. 有人问我会不会跳舞,我回答:“我跳得不好,但是我会用脚踩别人的脚。”
5. 我说:“我是一个很节约的人,我连空气都不舍得浪费,所以我只呼吸二氧化碳。”
6. 朋友问我为什么不相信爱情,我说:“因为每次我戴上眼镜都看不清楚。”
7. 我说:“我是一个很有耐心的人,我等了十分钟才发现自己等错了地方。”
8. 朋友问我为什么总是迟到,我说:“我不是故意的,只是我觉得大家都应该等我一下,这样大家才能更加珍惜时间。”
9. 我对朋友说:“我是一个很注重健康的人,每天早上都会吃一颗维生素C,就是为了防止我晚上吃糖的时候得坏牙。”
10. 我说:“现在的小孩子真不像话,我小时候都不知道手机是什么东西,现在他们三岁就会玩微信了。”
风趣幽默的句子50个字 篇二
1. 我对朋友说:“我最近经常失眠,不是因为压力大,而是因为我发现睡觉的时间太浪费了。”
2. 有人问我为什么不愿意结婚,我回答:“结婚就像是买保险,你不知道会得到什么,但是你一定会失去很多。”
3. 我对朋友说:“我最近开始练瑜伽,不是为了减肥,是为了能够把自己的脚放到嘴里。”
4. 朋友问我为什么总是笑,我说:“因为我觉得笑是我最好的武器,不管是对付坏心情还是对付坏人。”
5. 我说:“我是一个很有条理的人,我每天都会把自己的手机放在同一个地方,然后再找不到它。”
6. 有人问我为什么总是买东西,我回答:“因为我觉得买东西可以治疗心情,就像吃巧克力一样。”
7. 我对朋友说:“我很少去健身房,因为我觉得每次进去都会变成一个强壮的胖子。”
8. 朋友问我为什么不喝酒,我说:“因为我觉得喝酒就像是在和自己的肝脏开战。”
9. 我说:“我最喜欢的运动是站着,因为这样可以不用动。”
10. 我对朋友说:“我觉得生活就像是一场电影,只不过我是一个没有剧本的演员。”
风趣幽默的句子50个字 篇三
Anyway, you have no object, let me be your object what, I can pick up 200 mineral water bottles a day, can I still hungry you
Other people's friends: Net Red Fu second generation goddess international student game god, my friend: cyber thief
Have the opp
Like the game I like to play games every day like you, I Circle of Friends children send you every day, how, like me such a single girl like it, so everywhere
I didn't send this Circle of Friends to show off that I was the morning champion, but to wait for you to say good morning baby
I wish my legs could be like Nanfu batteries, each one longer than the other.
七、不能不要和其它女孩子聊天呀 吃醋吃的怪难受的 想和你打一架!!!
Will you stop talking to other girls and get jealous and want to fight you!
八、 我不是不谈恋爱 是我知道想和什么样的人谈
It's not that I don't fall in love. It's that I know who I want to talk to
Give everyone a piece of advice. Eat, drink and sleep at home. Don't meet someone who has gained ten pounds and you have gained 5 pounds. It seems that the conditions at home are not good.
You think I have a nice voice. I can shut up. You think I'm a good gamer. I don't have to, but you want my watch to be a normal person. I'm a princess. How can I do that?
Only the weak will cry bitterly when they break up and beg him not to leave. We, the strong, are all kneeling on the ground, holding each other's thighs and making him unable to move.
Another shy boy asks the girl he likes: what kind of boy do you like? The girl said: hit it off. The boy asked with a sad face: Can't the head be flat?
十三、睡觉梦见一小孩拿弓箭射我 我打了他一顿 知道他说下次不敢了 我才满意的停手 临走时我问他叫什么 他说他叫丘比特
I slept and dreamed that a child shot me with a bow and arrow. I beat him until he said that he would not dare to stop next time. When I left, I asked him what his name was. He said that his name was Cupid
I don't know which unlucky person will be with me forever in the end