
英文调查报告万能句子 篇一

Title: The Impact of Social Media on Teenagers' Mental Health


The purpose of this research is to investigate the potential effects of social media on teenagers' mental health. In recent years, social media has become an integral part of teenagers' lives, raising concerns about its impact on their mental well-being. This report aims to provide an overview of the current situation and present key findings from the survey conducted among teenagers aged 13-18.


To gather data, a questionnaire was distributed to 500 teenagers from different schools in the city. The questionnaire consisted of multiple choice and open-ended questions related to their social media usage and its effects on their mental health. The participants were asked to complete the questionnaire anonymously, ensuring their privacy.


1. The majority of teenagers surveyed (80%) reported using social media platforms on a daily basis.

2. 65% of respondents admitted that social media has negatively impacted their mental health.

3. The most common negative effects reported were increased anxiety (43%), decreased self-esteem (37%), and feelings of loneliness (28%).

4. 75% of teenagers agreed that they often compare themselves to others on social media, leading to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt.

5. 60% of participants reported experiencing cyberbullying or witnessing it on social media platforms.


These findings indicate that social media has a significant impact on teenagers' mental health. The constant exposure to curated, idealized versions of other people's lives can lead to feelings of inferiority and dissatisfaction. Moreover, cyberbullying is prevalent on social media platforms, causing emotional distress and further exacerbating mental health issues.


1. Encourage digital detox and limit social media usage to promote a healthier balance between online and offline activities.

2. Educate teenagers about the importance of digital well-being and the potential negative effects of excessive social media use.

3. Provide resources and support for those affected by cyberbullying, including counseling and helpline services.

4. Promote positive role models and authentic content on social media platforms to counteract the negative influence of unrealistic standards.


This research highlights the need for increased awareness and proactive measures to address the negative impact of social media on teenagers' mental health. By promoting a healthier online environment and providing support for those affected, we can work towards ensuring the well-being and happiness of our future generation.

英文调查报告万能句子 篇二

Title: The Benefits of Exercise on Physical and Mental Health


This report aims to explore the benefits of exercise on both physical and mental health. Regular physical activity has long been associated with improved overall well-being, and this research seeks to provide evidence supporting these claims. By understanding the positive effects of exercise, individuals can be motivated to incorporate physical activity into their daily routines.


To gather data, a survey was conducted among 200 adults aged 25-45. The participants were asked to provide information about their exercise habits, including the frequency, duration, and types of activities they engage in. Additionally, they were questioned about their perceived physical and mental health status.


1. 85% of respondents reported engaging in regular exercise, with an average frequency of three times per week.

2. Participants who exercised regularly reported higher levels of energy and overall well-being compared to those who were physically inactive.

3. Regular exercise was found to improve cardiovascular health, with participants reporting lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

4. 70% of respondents reported reduced stress levels after engaging in moderate to vigorous exercise.

5. Exercise was also found to improve sleep quality, with 80% of participants reporting better sleep patterns.


The findings suggest that exercise has numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. Regular physical activity not only improves cardiovascular health but also boosts energy levels and overall well-being. Additionally, exercise has been shown to reduce stress levels and improve sleep quality, contributing to better mental health.


1. Encourage individuals to incorporate at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week.

2. Promote a variety of physical activities to cater to different preferences and ensure long-term adherence.

3. Provide resources and support for individuals to set realistic exercise goals and track their progress.

4. Educate the public about the mental health benefits of exercise and its role in stress reduction and improving sleep patterns.


This research confirms the numerous benefits of exercise on physical and mental health. By promoting regular physical activity and raising awareness about its positive effects, individuals can enhance their overall well-being and lead healthier, happier lives.

英文调查报告万能句子 篇三

1. 理论研究型调查报告。这是以学术研究为目的而撰写的报告,它以收集、分类、整理资料并提出问题、报告结论为特点,大多发表在学术刊物上,或载于学术著作中。

2. 1 Here are the results.12 Here are the findings.13 In my opinion, I think.14 As far as I am concerned, I suggest that.15 In a word, .16 In conclusion, .第一段开头第一段开头第三段开头第三段开头第二段开头第二段开头 Recently a survey has been carried out among_ about_.Their opinions are pided. According to the survey, _of the stu

3. 典型性。典型性是指在调查报告的写作过程中所采用的事实材料要具有代表性,以及所揭示的问题带有普遍性。这种典型特点在总结经验和反映典型事件的典型调查中表现的尤为突出。

4. 导直言导行是市场调查演讲的扫尾部门,一般道亮市场调查的纲的战意思,引见市场调查农作基础概略,包含市场调查的时光、高地面、内容战对象以及采取的调查方式、方法。那是比拟罕见的写法。也有调查报告在导直言中,后写考察的论断是什么,或者曲交降出问题等,那类写法能加强读者浏览报告的兴致。

5. 附录

6. In your opinion, which of the following abilities will be the advantage when you look for a job

7. 调查设计与组织实施

8. 数据资料汇总表

9. 从体部合那是市场调查报告外的次要外容,是表示调查报告主题的主要局部。这一局部的写作曲交决议调查报告的量质高下和作用小大。从体局部要主观、片面论述市场调查所取得的资料、数据,用它们回说亮有闭答题,失没有闭结论;对有些答题、景象要作深刻剖析、评论等。分之,主体部门要擅长应用资料,回里隐调查的从题。

10. On the other hand, being responsible is of equal importance to studying well. You need to be a good assistant to your teacher to help deal with some daily affairs in class, and sometimes you are to be in charge of the class. We have had a survey among 1000 students on “whether we should have a gap

11. In the process of looking for a job search, which will hinder your choice

12. Do you think which your preferred salary standard is

13. 取舍材料

14. y,25%of the college students have part-time job.During the summer vacation, the figure will increase to 72%. College students are often working as tutors,waiters and salesmen.For one thing, they want to earn money to afford the increasingly higher college tuition.For another,they hope to be economic

15. 落款调查报告的落款要写明调查者单位名称和个人姓名,以及完稿时间。如果标题下面已注明调查者,则落款时可省略。

16. 结尾结尾的内容大多是调查者对问题的看法和建议,这是分析问题和解决问题的必然结果。调查报告的结尾方式主要有补充式、深化式、建议式、激发式等。

17. Personally, does gender has impact on applying for jobs

18. 布局和拟定提纲

19. 真实性。真实性是调查报告首要的、最大的特点。所谓真实性,就是尊重客观事实,靠事实说话。这一特点要求调研人员必须树立严谨的科学态度,认真求实的精神,彻底抛弃xxx假大空xxx的虚伪作风,不仅报喜,还要报忧,不仅要充分肯定工作成绩,还要准确反映工作中存在的问题。只有严谨的科学态度,才能写出真实可靠,对工作具有指导意义的调查报告。

20. 系统性。调查报告的系统性或完整性是指由调查材料所得出的结论,必须是具有说服力,把被调查的情况完整地、系统地交待清楚。不能只摆出结论,而疏漏交待事实过程和必须的环节。因为这样的疏忽势必造成不严密、根据不足以及不足以令人信服的印象。这里所说的系统性和完整性,并不是要求在调查报告的写作过程中,事无巨细,面面俱到,而是抓住事物的本质和主要方面,写出结论的推理过程。

21. 综合分析

22. 结尾。结尾的写法也比较多,可以提出解决问题的方法、对策或下一步改进工作的建议;或总结全文的主要观点,进一步深化主题;或提出问题,引发人们的进一步思考;或展望前景,发出鼓舞和号召。

23. 历史情况型调查报告。这是根据需要以历史情况为对象进行调查而形成的调查报告。它可以供人们了解某一事物或问题的历史资料和历史真相。

24. 什么是案件调查报告

25. 修改社会实践报告社会实践报告起草好以后,要认真修改。主要是对报告的主题、材料、结构、语言文字和标点符号进行检查,加以增、删、改、调。在完成这些工作之后,才能定稿向上报送或发表。

26. 结尾。结尾的写法也比较多,可以提出解决问题的方法、对策或下一步改进工作的建议;或总结 全文的主要观点,进一步深化主题;或提出问题,引发人们的进一步思考;或展望前景,发出鼓舞和号召。

27. year” recently. The survey shows that 70%of the boy students are in favor of having a gap year. 30% of the boys who are interviewed say that they would better go to university to go further study. The percentage of girls who want t enjoy their gap year is 60%, while the rest of the girls want to sav

28. 导语导语又称引言。它是调查报告的前言,简洁明了地介绍有关调查的情况,或提出全文的引子,为正文写作做好铺垫。常见的导语有:①简介式导语。对调查的课题、对象、时间、地点、方式、经过等作简明的介绍;②概括式导语。对调查报告的内容(包括课题、对象、调查内容、调查结果和分析的结论等)作概括的说明;③交代式导语。即对课题产生的由来作简明的介绍和说明。

29. 典型的调查报告。包括典型经验、典型事件的叙述和分析。

30. 群众来信的调查报告。是对来信反映的情况或揭露的问题进行核实。包括调查了哪些人,所调查问题的真实情况以及对来信的处理意见。



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